Just a smattering of Piracy's successes...

Launched The Kraken Black Spiced Rum – often using unsettling promotions and imagery that saw the brand become one of the most successful spirits launches of recent times. Now the 3rd biggest-selling rum in the UK.
Cawston Press

As the lead marketing discipline for Cawston Press, generated hard-hitting media coverage that was part of a winning formula which enabled it to boost sales from 800k units to 10m/year.

Was consistently the only bike lock - or accessory - to regularly feature in mainstream print and online media gifting features for small Welsh firm, Litelok.
Jim Jams

Helped Nutella-challenger Jim Jams achieve its best results ever from a sales push in a major multiple – driven by previously unheard-of levels of online and print media coverage.

Generated global news for a tiny, super-premium, gin that saw it effectively ‘own’ juniper and dominate news about the booming category’s universal ingredient.

Scooped media coverage that justified Skins’ premium positioning in a market dominated by huge, discounting, multi-nationals such as Nike, Under Armour and Adidas.
Mermaid Gin

Dominated Christmas, Valentines, Mother’s Day and Easter gifting pieces across Social and print media for Mermaid Gin – which helped raise sales by 147% YOY.

Consistently delivered significant trade PR coverage - across multiple sectors - for Nomadic around NPD, advertising campaigns and corporate initiatives, including plastic reduction and re-branding.